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아프거나 불편하면 이 운동을 건너뛰십시오.

그린(상반신) 저니

2성 시퀀스

Green Stars_edited.png

Exercise 4 (4a Prep)


화면의 호흡 지침을 따르십시오 흡입 내쉬다

'다음'다음 연습을 위해(전체 화면에서는 사용할 수 없음)

  • 아래 운동 지침을 배우고 따르십시오.

  • 이 연습을 시퀀스의 일부로 매일 연습하십시오. 

  • 통증이 없고 편안한 범위에서만 이 운동을 수행하십시오.

  • 필요한 경우 재활 프로그램의 일부로 사용할 전문가의 조언을 구하십시오.

배우다그는 운동

4a Prep is a special exercise, because the user pulls the StarBarre away from the wall to form a TRX style sling-training device. At home, it is possible to practice this exercise in front of the kitchen counter (place fingers in sink), a windowsill or a balcony rail.

This exercise includes a very comfortable shoulder flexion and lower spine elongation stretch, as well as a powerful a powerful arm pulling element while using guided imagery.

4a Prep is a more basic version of 4a, with less movement elemnts and a simple breathing pattern.


  • Perform this exercise in pain-free and comfortable ranges only.

  • Perform the first-ever repetitions of this exercise very slowly and gradually, to gauge the strength required from each shoulder and arm.

  • In the case of a known shoulder instability, or a history of shoulder dislocations, consult with a rehab professional on how and when to approach this important functional exercise.

  • If painful or uncomfortable, perform the stretch with the arm close to the body.

  • If it is not possible, skip this exercise and consult with a physical therapist or movement professional.


  • Move 1 - stretch 1 - move 2 - stretch 2 - return - relax -...

Breathing Pattern

  • Inhale - Starting position.

  • Exhale - Movement, stretch and return phases.

  • Inhale - Relaxed phase/starting position.

Starting Position

  • Pull the StarBarre away from wall and walk back until the straps are taught.

  • Hold the bar in this position and position the feet on the floor so the body is in its balanced upright position.

  • It is okay if the elbows are flexed in this position.

  • Look at the horizon.

  • Alternatively, it is possible to use a kitchen sink, windowsill or balcony rail with no compromise to the exercise.

  • Inhale.

Movement Phase

  • Constantly pull with the arms to keep the bar straps tight.

  • While extending the elbows and keeping the StarBarre straps taught, exhale and perform a squat.

  • Ensure that the entire spine is in the neutral position, the elbows extended and the shoulders in full (available) flexion.

  • Throughout movement phase, the shoulders, knees and toes form a straight vertical line (don't allow the knees to get in front of the toes).

Stretch Phase

  • Pause in this position for about a second while still exhaling, then inhale.

  • Eyesight in this position is towards the knee height point on the wall in front.

  • In this position, continue 'pulling' the pelvis back and low while holding the spine in its neutral position.

  • Increase the strap tension to the maximum possible.

  • A great longitudinal stretch to the spine is felt, as well as a balanced bilateral full flexion and distraction shoulder stretch.

  • If pleasant, indulge in this stretch for a second or two while continuing the movement phase exhalation, then inhale.

Return Phase

  • Upon exhalation, use the arms only to pull the body from the stretch position back to balanced upright standing.

  • Guided imagery technique: To facilitate the use of arm muscles during the return phase, imagine that the bar is actually a branch of a tree, and there is no floor; you are hanging in the air and can only use arms to return.

Relax Phase

  • Assume the upright balanced standing posture, looking towards the horizon.

  • Relax the body muscles in that position and inhale.

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