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탭'다음'다음 연습을 위해(전체 화면에서는 사용할 수 없음)
노란색(총체적) 여정
2성 시퀀스

Exercise 2 (2a Prep)
아래 운동 지침을 배우고 따르십시오.
이 연습을 시퀀스의 일부로 매일 연습하십시오.
통증이 없고 편안한 범위에서만 이 운동을 수행하십시오.
필요한 경우 재활 프로그램의 일부로 사용할 전문가의 조언을 구하십시오.
운동 배우기
2a Prep is suitable for early stage musculoskeletal rehabilitation because it activates pelvic stability with timed lower limb mobility on a functional level, without moving the stabilized pelvis, spine or hips.
The 2a Prep version is easier than 2a because the constant hands on the bar assist with transfering the body weight throughout the exercise.
Move - stretch - return - relax - ...
Breathing Pattern
Inhale - Starting position.
Exhale - Movement, stretch and return phases
Inhale - Relax phase.
Starting Position

Upright relaxed standing, about one step away from bar
Place palms of hands gently on the bar.
Stand as tall as possible, with the arms relaxed by the body.
Keep shoulders wide and low, and a tall neck (chin not poking).
Look at the horizon.
Movement Phase

Upon exhalation, fully flex the ankles and slightly flex the knees at the same time.
This maneuver pushes the balanced upright body line (from head to knees) forward.
As the body moves forward, gently push the bar downwards with the hands to assist carrying the body weight.
Keep both ankles and knees at the same line.
Feel the abdominal muscles kicking in to maintain pelvic stability as the body moves forward.
The movement ends at the end range of ankle flexion.
The movement of the eyes is straight forward, rather than up or down.
The hips, pelvis and spine remain in the neutral position - joint movement should be from the knees, ankles and arm.
The arm movements are mainly passive, generated from the body movement back and forth.
Keep the vertical line between the knees and the head straight as it moves in space.
The forward movement of the body is fluent; no stops on the way.
Knees stay at the same line throughout the exercise.
Stretch Phase

Continue the exhalation and feel the full range ankle flexion.
Try to be as tall as possible on tiptoes, not to loose height in the stretch phase.
At this point, hold for a split second and feel the pelvic stability muscles working to hold the upright posture harmoniously.
Keep the upper body relaxed and upright.
Return Phase

Continue the exhalation and return to the Starting Position by reversing the movement phase elements.
Timing: Time the body, leg and arm movements to finish their movement and return to the starting position together.
Relax Phase

Inhale in the upright standing position and start gearing the body for the next repetition.
Make the exercise easier to learn
Starting Position - Place palms and fingers gently on bar and keep there for the entire exercise.
Keep minimal and constant pressure on fingers throughout the exercise, to maintain body balance.
Elbows and shoulders remain passive and relaxed but move with the body movement.