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하모니 플로어 시퀀스

B10 Double Mermaid

Anchor 1

'다음'다음 연습을 위해(전체 화면에서는 사용할 수 없음)

아프거나 불편하면 이 운동을 건너뛰십시오.

  • 아래 운동 지침을 배우고 따르십시오.

  • 이 연습을 시퀀스의 일부로 매일 연습하십시오. 


  • 통증이 없고 편안한 범위에서만 이 운동을 수행하십시오.

  • 가능하지 않다면,건너뛰다이 운동을 하고 물리 치료사 또는 운동 전문가와 상의하십시오.

  • 관련이 있는 경우 이 운동이 외과의의 수술 후 프로토콜 내에 있는지 확인하십시오.

운동 배우기

B10 Double Mermaid is a functional mind-body exercise, which trains segmental spinal stability and rotational mobility.

Additionally, this exercise trains efficient and safe rising from lying on the mat or bed to sitting up harmoniously and ultimately standing up.

B10 Double Mermaid is a complex exercise; therefore, it is learned in 6 stages to ensure harmonious progression.

When practicing, use the momentum of each learning stage to facilitate the next stage, to eventually create one holistic movement.

Stage 1

Starting Position

Supine lying with knees comfortably flexed at hip width:

  • Head on pillow or mat.

  • Maintain the neutral lumbar arch and relax the body in this position.

  • Feel the even pressure of the pelvis on mat.


While maintaining the even pressure of the pelvis on mat:

  • Slightly swing both knees to the one side.

  • Exhale to stabilize the lumbopelvic area in neutral and stretch at the end of available hip movement.

  • Do not allow the pelvis to raise from mat.

  • Note that there is very little hip movement in this stage - emphasize lumbopelvic stability.

  • Return to the Starting Position.

  • Use the momentum of the return movement to repeat on other side.

  • Keep head, neck and arms relaxed throughout this stage.

  • If performed harmoniously, proceed to the next stage.

  • Otherwise, continue practicing this stage.

Stage 2

Starting Position

  • Supine lying with knees comfortably flexed at hip width.

  • Head on pillow or mat.

  • Maintain the neutral lumbar arch and relax the body in this position.

  • Feel the even pressure of the ribs on mat.


While maintaining the even pressure of ribs on mat:

  • Swing both knees to the one side.

  • Exhale to stabilize the thoracic area in neutral and stretch at the end of available movement.

  • Use the knee swing momentum to initiate and facilitate the spinal rotation from bottom to top as one holistic movement.

  • Do not allow the ribs raise from mat.

  • Note that the movement is larger, and the stretch is higher than the previous stage.

  • Return to the Starting Position.

  • Use the momentum of the return movement to repeat on other side.

  • Keep head, neck and arms relaxed throughout this stage.

  • If performed harmoniously, proceed to the next stage.

  • Otherwise, continue practicing this and previous stages.

Stage 3

Starting Position

Supine lying with knees comfortably flexed at hip width:

  • Head on pillow or mat.

  • Maintain the neutral lumbar arch and relax the body in this position.

  • Feel the even pressure of the shoulders on mat.


While maintaining the even pressure of shoulders on mat:

  • Swing both knees to the one side.

  • Exhale to stabilize the shoulders on mat and stretch at the end of available movement.

  • Use the knee swing momentum to initiate and facilitate the spinal rotation from bottom to top as one holistic movement.

  • Do not allow the shoulders raise from mat.

  • Note that the movement is larger, and the stretch is higher than the previous stage.

  • Use the momentum of the return movement to repeat on other side.

  • Keep head, neck and arms relaxed throughout this stage.

  • If performed harmoniously, proceed to the next stage.

  • Otherwise, continue practicing this and previous stages.

Stage 4

Starting Position

  • Supine lying with knees comfortably flexed at hip width.

  • Head on pillow or mat.

  • Maintain the neutral lumbar arch and relax the body in this position.

  • Feel the even pressure of the shoulders on mat.


  • Swing both knees to the one side.

  • Use the knee swing momentum to initiate and facilitate the spinal rotation from bottom to top as one holistic movement .

  • Allow the shoulder and head to raise from mat and lean the body on its side.

  • At the same time raise the lower arm and place under head.

  • Lean and bear weight on the palm of the other arm in front of the body.

  • Return to the Starting Position.

  • Use the momentum of the return movement to repeat on other side.

  • Keep head on mat or pillow when rolling from side to side (no not actively lift head).

  • Keep knees at hip width during the movement.

  • If performed harmoniously, proceed to the next stage.

  • Otherwise, continue practicing this and previous stages.

Stage 5

Perform Stage 4, then continue the full-body momentum (from bottom to top) to harmoniously reach the mermaid sitting position:

  • Raise the arms keeping the elbows slightly bent.

  • Keep the head evenly in between elbows and stretch sideways with trunk as much as harmoniously possible.

  • Maintain both sides of the pelvis evenly on mat.

  • If difficult - It is okay to lean on a chair or wall while trying to sit up as long as the movement is limited to harmonious ability.

  • Use the momentum of the return movement to repeat on other side.

  • Keep head on mat or pillow when rolling from side to side (no not lift head during the transition).

  • Keep knees at hip width during the movement.

  • If practicing on a bed, come to a regular sitting position at edge of bed with feet towards floor.

  • If performed harmoniously, proceed to the next stage.

  • Otherwise, continue practicing this and previous stages.

Stage 6

Perform Stage 5, then continue the full-body momentum to stand up harmoniously.

Congratulations! You have completed the 10 Floor exercises; you are standing and ready to move forward!

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