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아프거나 불편하면 이 운동을 건너뛰십시오.

화면의 호흡 지침을 따르십시오 흡입 내쉬다

'다음'다음 연습을 위해(전체 화면에서는 사용할 수 없음)

노란색(총체적) 여정


하모니 시퀀스

  • 아래 운동 지침을 배우고 따르십시오.

  • 이 연습을 시퀀스의 일부로 매일 연습하십시오. 


  • 통증이 없고 편안한 범위에서만 이 운동을 수행하십시오.

  • 가능하지 않다면,건너뛰다이 운동을 하고 물리 치료사 또는 운동 전문가와 상의하십시오.

  • 관련이 있는 경우 이 운동이 외과의의 수술 후 프로토콜 내에 있는지 확인하십시오.

운동 배우기

6b adds a significant asymmetric balance challenge to 6a. This is functionally important because many daily functions involve asymmetric flexing and lifting.

Unfortunately, if the movements are impaired, it is typical that sudden back injuries occur while flexing in an asymmetric manner. It is therefore important to learn this complex movement and practice it daily in a harmonious manner.

Bar Position

  • Waist height


  • Move - stretch - return - relax -... alternate

Breathing Pattern

  • Inhale - Starting position.

  • Long exhale - Movement, stretch and return phases.

  • Inhale - Relax phase.

Starting Position

  • Same as 8a.

  • Harmonious upright standing, as tall as possible.

  • Ensure:

  • A long neck, and eyes looking towards the horizon.

  • The entire spine and pelvis are in the neutral position.

  • The shoulders are placed down and back.

  • The arms are relaxed by the side of the body. Fingers are also relaxed.

  • Inhale.


  • Place a rolled small towel towel between the knees.

  • Hold the towel with knees so will not fall. Do not 'squeeze' the knees together it is not the exercise.

  • This assistance is to keep the knees in the same line during the exercise movements.

  • In the beginning of Harmony training, this might be challenging even for acclaimed movement instructors.

  • It is okay to place hands softly on the bar for the entire exercise to assist the balance.

Movement Phase

  • Upon exhalation, start to perform the 8a spinal flexion exercise from top to bottom.

  • At the same time, while keeping both knees in the same line, flex the one knee and slide the palm back on the floor until full ankle flexion is reached and the toe tips are pushing down on the floor.

  • Timing: Start and finish both these movements together as one full-body movement.

  • During the first repetitions, the trunk might struggle to remain symmetric. This is the main challenge of the exercise.

  • Keep the arms relaxed

  • Do not lean backward on arms - this takes away the balance element of the exercise.

  • Make sure knees stay at same line.

  • If this is a problem, hold a soft pad or a folded towel between knees.

  • Check feet, knee and pelvic alignment during the movement and self-correct.

Stretch Phase

  • Continue the exhalation

  • Maintain the asymmetric stretch for about a second.

  • Feel the back-leg flexion stretch.

  • Start exhaling for the return.

Return Phase

  • Increase the exhalation and activate the abdominal muscles to assist with the reverse movement initiation.

  • Reverse the spinal movements from bottom to top together with the reversing leg movement, until the upright starting position is reached.

  • Time all trunk and limb movements to start and finish at the same time.

Relax Phase

  • Assume the balanced upright standing posture.

  • Inhale.

  • Alternate sides.


  • Hold rolled towel between knees.

  • Place hands on bar for the entire exercise.

  • If necessary, reduce the range to prevent pain or discomfort.

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