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아프거나 불편하면 이 운동을 건너뛰십시오.

화면의 호흡 지침을 따르십시오 흡입 내쉬다

'다음'다음 연습을 위해(전체 화면에서는 사용할 수 없음)

노란색(총체적) 여정


하모니 시퀀스

  • 아래 운동 지침을 배우고 따르십시오.

  • 이 연습을 시퀀스의 일부로 매일 연습하십시오. 


  • 통증이 없고 편안한 범위에서만 이 운동을 수행하십시오.

  • 가능하지 않다면,건너뛰다이 운동을 하고 물리 치료사 또는 운동 전문가와 상의하십시오.

  • 관련이 있는 경우 이 운동이 외과의의 수술 후 프로토콜 내에 있는지 확인하십시오.

운동 배우기

9b adds a strong and unique side-trunk fascial stretch. This important mid-section stretch is created by combining the anterior thigh stretch of 11a with the arm stretch element of 11b at the same time.

Warnings for this exercise

To prevent a fall if balanced is lost while placing the foot on or off the bar when facing away:

  • Place a chair at hand reach at the side of the body.

If a posterior thigh (Hamstring) cramp is felt at any stage of this exercise:

  • This might be an issue for beginners to this exercise system.

  • There are many possible causes for this, which might vary from unconditioned short muscles to overtrained muscles with heavy weights and even an unbalanced diet.

  • In many cases, this cramp sensation might be a one-off experience.

Recommended actions:

  1. Lower the bar (or use a lower surface).

  2. If this is to no avail, skip the entire exercise (only for the effected leg).

  3. Proceed to gently perform exercises 3a and 3b on the effected leg.

  4. Continue with the regular sequence as usual, and try again next time.

Bar Position

  • Thigh height


  • Move - stretch - return - relax -...


  • Throughout exercise - Horizon

Breathing Pattern

  • Inhale - Starting position.

  • Exhale - Movement, stretch and return phases.

  • Inhale - Relax phase.

Starting Position

  • Similar to 11a, besides the arm position.

  • Set bar height according to flexibility: More flexible - higher. Less flexible - lower.

  • As alternative to the StarBarre device, place the foot on a stool or chair (of good height) behind the body.

  • To add safety and stability, it is okay to place one or two chairs by the side of the body to lean on with the hands.

  • Stand facing away from the bar, about one step in front.

  • Place one foot on the bar behind the body.

  • Fully flex the elbow on the side of the flexed leg.

  • Place the palm facing out, close to the ear (like when taking an oath).

  • Stand in the tall upright position, look towards the horizon and inhale.

Movement Phase

  • Upon exhalation, stabilize the pelvis, flex the standing knee forward and start extending the elbow to raise the arm upwards.

  • Tilt the upper body (not pelvis) to the other side of the stretch.

  • This will lower the body and add a unique spinal side stretch to the anterior thigh stretch on the same side.

  • Ensure the pelvis does not rotate, tilt or move backwards.

Stretch Phase

  • When the body reaches its lowest possible position harmoniously, pause for about a second and continue the exhalation.

  • Feel the powerful stretch in the side of the trunk and anterior thigh.

  • Increase the stretch by pulling the arm up higher, tilting the upper body even more and pushing the pelvis on the side of the back leg slightly forward.

Return Phase

  • While continuing the exhalation, relieve the stretches, lower the arm, straighten the body-line and elevate the trunk to return to the starting position by extending the front knee.

Relax Phase

  • Inhale.

  • Maintain the harmonious upright pelvis and trunk position.

  • Keep the elbow fully flexed and gear the body for the next repetition.

다른 운동 선택

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