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Последовательность 2 звезд
Exercise 3 (3b Prep)
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Выполняйте это упражнение ежедневно как часть своей последовательности.
Выполняйте это упражнение только в безболезненных и комфортных диапазонах.
При необходимости обратитесь за профессиональной консультацией для использования в рамках программы реабилитации.
Научилсяон Упражнение
3b Prep is a special exercise designed to condition and harmonize the lateral shoulder abduction muscles against the body weight.
Perform this exercise in pain-free and comfortable ranges only.
Perform the first-ever repetitions of this exercise very slowly and gradually, to gauge the strength required from each shoulder and arm.
In the case of a known shoulder instability, or a history of shoulder dislocations, consult with a rehab professional on how and when to approach this important functional exercise.
If painful or uncomfortable, perform the stretch with the arm close to the body.
If it is not possible, skip this exercise and consult with a physical therapist or movement professional.
StarBarre Position
Waist height.
Move - stretch - return - relax -...
Breathing Pattern
Inhale - Starting position.
Exhale - Movement, stretch and return phases.
Inhale - Relax phase.
Starting Position
Stand with both feet facing the bar, about one step away.
Place the posterior aspect of the extended palm on the opposite side bar pad.
Extend the elbow and fully rotate the body to the other direction so the side is facing the bar.
Look sideways and ensure the lumbar spine is in the neutral position.
Bring both shoulders wide and low.
Keep the neck 'long' and the chin slightly tucked in (not poking).
Movement Phase
Stabilize the upright body line and start exhaling.
Flex the leaning elbow to tilt the body-line sideways.
Keep head and neck position in neutral looking at the horizon.
Stretch Phase
Continue to exhale and pause in this position for a split second.
Ensure the body is fully rotated so the side of the leaning shoulder is facing the wall.
Feel the muscles working on the outside of the leaning shoulder.
Return Phase
Continue exhaling and extend the leaning elbow to return to the starting position.
Relax Phase
Inhale and try to relax the muscles in the starting position.
Gear the body for the next repetition on the same side or on the other side.
During the rehabilitation process, it is okay to perform a few repetitions of each side provided the exercise is pain free and comfortable.