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ПРОПУСТИТЕ это упражнение, если вам больно или неудобно

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Желтое (целостное) путешествие

Последовательность 2 звезд

Two star.png

Exercise 11 (5b Jog)

  • Изучите и следуйте приведенным ниже инструкциям по упражнению.

  • Выполняйте это упражнение ежедневно как часть своей последовательности. 

  • Выполняйте это упражнение только в безболезненных и комфортных диапазонах.

  • При необходимости обратитесь за профессиональной консультацией для использования в рамках программы реабилитации.

Изучите упражнение

5b Jog is a progression of 5a Walk exercise, simmulating natural jogging while pushing a trolley.

This exercise requires long and strong calf muscles (as practiced in the previous exercise 5a) as well as a well coordinated motor system.

5b is also special because of its free breathing pattern, its unique yet comfortable aerobic component and also because both lower limbs work in a natural simultaneous alternative manner.

Bar Position

  • Waist height


  • Move - stretch - move - stretch.

Breathing Pattern

  • Breathe freely

Starting Position

  • Stand about 2 steps away from the bar, tilt the body forward and lean on the bar with hands.

  • Maintain normal pelvic width between the legs.

  • Flex the knee and ankle of the one leg.

  • Lift foot from floor.

  • Fully flex the ankle in air.

  • keep the other leg extended with the heel touching the floor.

  • Avoid hype-extending the knee.

  • Breathe freely.

Movement Phase

  • While maintaining the tilted straight body-line, alternate the leg positions at the same time..

  • Continue breathing freely.

Stretch Phase

  • Land the foot on the tiptoes first.

  • The movement ends when the other heel touches the floor.

  • Continue breathing freely and alternate.

  • Find the rhythm and physically push the bar forwards towards the wall in front.

Guided imagery:

  • Feel the heels bouncing off the floor like tennis balls.

  • Imagine that the bar is the bar of a supermarket trolly you are pushing while jogging.

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