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Синий (нижняя часть тела) Путешествие
Последовательность 1 звезды

Exercise 6 (5b Walk)
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Изучите упражнение
5b Walk simmulates walking while pushing a trolley.
5b is also special because of its free breathing pattern, its unique yet comfortable aerobic component and also because both lower limbs work in a natural simultaneous alternative manner.
Bar Position
Waist height
Move - stretch - move - stretch.
Breathing Pattern
Breathe freely
Starting Position

Stand about 2 steps away from the bar, tilt the body forward and lean on the bar with hands.
Maintain normal pelvic width between the legs.
Flex the knee and ankle of the one leg.
Fully flex the ankle and feel floor with toes.
keep the other leg extended with the heel touching the floor.
Avoid hype-extending the knee.
Breathe freely.
Movement Phase

While maintaining the tilted straight body-line, alternate the leg positions at the same time..
Stretch Phase

The movement ends when the other heel touches the floor.
Continue breathing freely and alternate.
Find the rhythm and physically push the bar forwards towards the wall in front.
Imagine that the bar is the bar of a heavy supermarket trolly you are pushing forward.