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1c is a progression of 1b, adding a trunk side bend with arm elevation and reaching up during the movement and stretch. These unique asymmetric elements turn 1c into an advanced exercise to control, and a personal achievement when mastered harmoniously.

The important function 1c trains is to safely and securely reach a high object from an awkward position, and then to return harmoniously to the upright standing position.

Besides the added arm and side stretch, the body-line movements of 1c are similar to 1b. During the movement phase, the upright body moves horizontally forward as much as it can, and then it moves vertically down as much as it can. Accordingly, the body's return path to the starting position is up and then back.


  • Move - stretch - return - relax - ... alternate.

Breathing pattern

  • Inhale - Starting position.

  • Long exhalation - Start exhaling just before the movement phase begins, maintain exhalation for movement, stretch and return phases.

  • Inhale - When reaching the relax phase.

Starting Position

  • Same as 1b.

  • Stand about 2 steps away from bar, facing the bar.

  • Stand in the tall upright standing position looking towards the horizon.

  • Try to be as tall as possible, draw shoulders wide and down and relax the arms and hands by the side of the body.

  • Inhale.

Movement Phase

Horizontal movement forward

  • Use the same full-body initiation of movement technique as in 1b.

  • As with 1b, exhale and slightly tilt the body forward from the ankles (like in 1a Warmup).

  • When both heels start to rise passively, push the pelvis and trunk forward in space by forcefully flexing the back ankle and knee (slightly) at the same time.

  • During the movement phase, flex the back ankle to its maximum and lift the heel high in the air.

  • When the front leg is in the air and the vertical body-line is moving forward, the back leg balances the body and bears its weight.

  • At this point, the hand of the front leg reaches towards the middle of the bar, while the other arm flexes from the elbow in perpetration to raise upwards during the following downward movement.

  • Land softly on the front heel as in 1a, then flatten the foot on the floor.

  • When the upright body approaches the front wall, place one hands softly on the middle of the bar to balance the body.

  • Try to stay as tall as possible at the end of the horizontal segment of the movement.

Vertical movement downwards

  • The body is balanced by one hand in the middle of the bar (the hand of the back leg).

  • lower the upright body-line by flexing both knees while holding on to the bar.

  • Ensure that the front knee does not cross the line of the toes.

  • As the body moves downwards, the free hand reaches upwards by extending the elbow.

  • Also, the upper body tilts towards the front leg side while the pelvis stays parallel to the floor and wall ahead.

  • As the upright body descends, the upper body tilts to the side and the hand rises to reach as far as it can to the side (because of the upper body tilt), start to feel the trunk side stretch on the other side of the body.

  • Ensure that this is a side-bending movement of the trunk without rotation.

Stretch Phase

  • When the upright body at its lowest point, the head and shoulders tilting to the one side and the free arm reaching up and to the side as much as it can, the powerful side stretch is felt at the side of the trunk.

  • Increase the exhalation at this point to assist the pelvis stabilizers that counter the stretch.

  • Ensure that the knee of the front leg is not positioned in front of the toes. Place the back leg further back if this occurs.

  • Pause for about 1 second.

Return Phase

  • Initiate the return to the starting position by pushing slightly with the one arm on the bar.

  • On the way back, the bulk of the body weight is on the back leg.

  • To return harmoniously and balanced, increase the exhalation and exert a lot of force in to the back leg for this movement.

  • Guided imagery: Imagine kicking a soccer ball with the back leg. Use the whole body.

  • To return to the starting position, the upright body moves vertically up as much as it can, and then horizontally back.

  • Time both feet and both arms to finish their movement together.

  • Return harmoniously to the starting position without losing balance, 'already' as tall as possible.

Relax Phase

  • Assume the upright standing posture and inhale.

  • Gear the body for the next repetition with the other leg.

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