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8a includes a very important pectoral and arms stretch, which aims to enable and maintain a comfortable and harmonious head, neck and shoulder complex in daily life functions.
To produce the powerful shoulder extension stretch,10a employs a full-body movement witch includes ankle mobility and spinal stability.
Bar Position
Waist height
Move - stretch - return - relax -...
Throughout exercise - look forward towards the horizon.
Beware and correct - it is typical to incorrectly look upwards during this exercise.
Breathing Pattern
Inhale - Starting position.
Exhale - Movement, stretch and return phases.
Inhale - Relax phase.
Starting Position

Stand facing away from the bar.
Lean back slightly, and place hands on the bar with fingers facing backwards.
Maintain an upright harmonious standing position:
Long neck with eyesight towards the horizon (avoid forward head position).
Shoulders wide and low.
Ribcage not 'flared'.
Lumbar spine in the neutral position.
While holding this upright posture, walk slightly forward until the beginning of a pectoral or arms stretch is felt.
Movement Phase

Upon exhalation, start to raise the heels and slightly flex the knees at the same time.
Maintain spinal stability to transfer the movement force to the shoulder joints.
Use abdominal muscles and the exhalation for this.
Stretch Phase

Pause the movement for about a second when the ankles reach their full range and the pectoral (or arms) stretch is sufficiently deep.
Remember to look at the horizon in this position with long neck (no chin poking).
Increase exhalation to increase the stretch.
Return Phase

While still exhaling and maintaining the straight body line, tilt the body harmoniously back to the Starting Position.
Relax Phase

Inhale and assume the harmonious starting posture.
Relax the muscles in that position and start gearing the body for the next repetition.