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11c adds a horizontal trunk rotation to 11b. This movement arises from the weight bearing shoulder and hip while the entire trunk is stabilized in the neutral position.

This move provides a special 4 joint stretch, trains advanced body orientation and includes a significant balance-finding element.

Uniquely, 11c requires a special maneuver to reach the starting position, and another to return to standing after the exercise is completed. Both additional moves are performed harmoniously and are an integral part of the exercise.


  • Keep the weight bearing elbow fully extended throughout this entire exercise.

Bar Position

  • Chest height

  • More flexible - lower

  • Less flexible - higher


  • Move - stretch - return - relax -...

Breathing Pattern

  • Exhale - Starting position.

  • Inhale - Movement and stretch phases.

  • Exhale - Return and relax phases.

Reach the Starting Position

  • Assume the starting position of 6b and inhale.

  • With exhalation, simultaneously:

  • Slide the StarBarre to the one side and let go of the other hand.

  • Swing the leg back and tilt the body forward, as in the 6a movement phase.

  • Place the free hand under the body and rotate the trunk towards the floor.

  • The line of the body is now diagonal to the wall.

Starting Position

  • In this position, ensure that:

  • The diagonal line between the front hand and and the back toes is straight. Elongate this line.

  • The front arm and weightbearing leg are fully extended (not hyperextended).

  • The body is leaning evenly on the hip and shoulder.

  • The pelvis and shoulder girdle are fully rotated towards the floor.

  • The weightbearing foot is pointing forward.

  • The foot of leg in air is pointing backwards.

  • The head is in line with the rest of the body.

  • Eyesight is kept towards the lower hand.

  • Exhale.

Movement Phase

  • Inhale

  • Rotate the trunk upwards, evenly between the weight bearing hip and shoulder joints.

  • Maintain the spine in the neutral position. Avoid hyper extension of the lumbar spine and flaring of the ribcage.

  • Extend the upper arm and look at the hand with eyes.

  • Flex the knee slightly and point with the toes towards the wall behind.

  • As the body is balanced on the one leg, keep the palm pressure on the bar soft.

Stretch Phase

  • At the end of the movement phase, continue inhaling and maintain this position for about a second.

  • Uniquely, feel 4 distinct stretches simultaneously: both shoulders and both knees.

  • This can only be felt if the spine is maintained in the neutral position.

  • If comfortable, maintain this position for about a second.

Return Phase

  • From the stretch phase position, exhale and return the body harmoniously to the horizontal starting position with the knee extended, pelvis rotated down and the straight diagonal body line.

  • When learning this exercise, it is easy to get confused and return to the vertical standing position. If this occurs, repeat the exercise while returning to the horizontal starting position.

Relax Phase

  • Continue exhaling, and pause for about a second in this complex horizontal position.

  • Try to elongate the diagonal horizontal line between the one hand and the other leg.

Return to Standing

  • From the relax phase/starting position, return to standing by rapidly flexing and extending the elbow on the bar together with swinging the other knee towards the chest.

  • Maintain the pelvis and spine in neutral during this maneuver, so the body will reach the standing position harmoniously, already in neutral.

  • This maneuver requires advanced balance control on one leg, and might require a few attempts to perform harmoniously.

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