המסלול הירוק (פלג גוף עליון)
כוכב 1 - תרגילי הרצף

Exercise 1 (Swing Sling)
דלגו על תרגיל זה אם גורם לכאב או אי נוחות
עקבו אחר הוראות הנשימה על המסך שאיפה נשיפה
לעבור לתרגיל הבא הקישו על "הבא' (לא זמין במסך מלא)
למדו את התרגיל ופעלו לפי הוראות התרגיל שלהלן.
תרגלו תרגיל זה מדי יום כחלק מהרצף הנוכחי.
בצע את התרגיל הזה רק בטווחים נטולי כאבים ונוחים.
במידת הצורך, פנה לייעוץ מקצועי לשימוש כחלק מתוכנית שיקום.
למדו את התרגיל
Sling Swing is an early-stage gentle mobilization exercise for the upper limb joints. The palms are placed passively on the bar (not pushing down) so the shoulders feel as if in a comfortable sling.
For optimal recovery, it is critical that Sling Swing is performed only in pain-free and comfortable ranges.
Perform this exercise in pain-free and comfortable ranges only. If painful or uncomfortable, perform less range of this exercise.
If it is not possible, skip this exercise and consult with a physical therapist or movement professional.
When relevant, ensure that this exercise is within the surgeon's post-operation protocol.
Move - stretch - return - relax -... alternate
Breathing Pattern
Inhale - Starting position.
Exhale - Movement phase, stretch phase and return phase.
Inhale - Just before returning the relax phase.
Starting Position

Back foot - about one step back from bar.
Palms are placed passively on bar (not pushing down).
Front foot - with toes touching wall.
Place the body weight on the front leg.
Ensure both feet are parallel.
Body-line is tilted forward and stabilized in the neutral pelvic and spinal position.
Eyesight is slightly lower than the horizon because of the forward body tilt.
Movement Phase

Upon exhalation, flex the front knee to tilt the body-line further forward.
Maintain the relaxed placement of the palms on the bar.
As a result, the elbows flex and the shoulders extend passively.
Adjust the end range according to comfort.
Stretch Phase

Maintain this position for about a second, continue exhaling for the return movement.
Return Phase

While exhaling, extend the front knee and tilt the body-line back to the starting position.
During this movement the upper limb joints return passively to the starting position.
Relax Phase

Inhale and start gearing the body for the next repetition.
Alternate legs every few repetitions.