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דלגו על תרגיל זה אם גורם לכאב או אי נוחות

המסלול הכחול (פלג גוף תחתון)

כוכב 1 - תרגילי הרצף

Blue Stars_edited_edited.png

Exercise 7 (7a Prep 1)

Anchor 1

עקבו אחר הוראות הנשימה על המסך שאיפה נשיפה

לעבור לתרגיל הבא הקישו על  "הבא' (לא זמין במסך מלא)

  • למדו את התרגיל ופעלו לפי הוראות התרגיל שלהלן.

  • תרגלו תרגיל זה מדי יום כחלק מהרצף הנוכחי. 

  • בצע את התרגיל הזה רק בטווחים נטולי כאבים ונוחים.

  • במידת הצורך, פנה לייעוץ מקצועי לשימוש כחלק מתוכנית שיקום.

למדו את התרגיל

7a Prep 1 is an important arm assisted squat exercise. The arm assistance makes the body lighter to facilitate harmonious pain free movement, allowing deeper and more accurate pain free movement.

Subsequently, practicing this exercise regularly trains the body to occasionally lift heavy objects correctly and safely without thinking about the movement and without increasing the load on the spine and knees during practice.


  • Perform this exercise in pain-free and comfortable ranges only.

  • If painful or uncomfortable, try to perform less range of this exercise.

  • If not possible, skip this exercise and consult with a physical therapist or movement professional.

  • When relevant, ensure that this exercise is within the surgeon's post-operation protocol.

StarBarre Position

  • Waist height


  • Move - stretch - return - relax... alternate...

Breathing Pattern

  • Inhale - Starting position.

  • Exhale - Movement, stretch and return phases.

  • Inhale - Relax phase.

Starting Position

  • Stand facing the bar about one step away.

  • Ensure that the pelvis and upright spine are in the tall neutral position.

  • Keep the shoulders wide and low without flaring the ribcage, and the neck long.

  • Place the palms gently on the bar.

  • Try to feel the toes, arches and heels of each foot and balance both feet against the floor pressure.

  • Look towards the horizon and inhale.

Movement Phase

  • Wile maintaining the line from the head to the pelvis, exhale and flex the ankle, knee and hip joints simultaneously.

  • Keep the spine in neutral position (slight arc) and avoid flaring of the ribcage.

  • Maintain the vertical line between the shoulders, knees and toes.

  • Poke the pelvis backwards to prevent the knees moving in front of the toes.

  • Keep the elbows close to the trunk (not sideways).

  • Keep the pelvis neutral (with the exhalation) to prevent lumbar spinal flexion.

  • Stop when the body is as low as possible.

  • Use the palms to push down on the bar to make the movement easier.

  • Increase the exhalation with the movement and gradually look towards the bar (keep the neck long).

Stretch Phase

  • Maintain this distinct stretch for about a second.

  • Continue the exhalation.

  • Push the bar with the hands to enhance the stretch while maintaining the head and shoulders relaxed.

Return Phase

  • Continue the exhalation and reverse the movements harmoniously to return to the starting position.

Relax Phase

  • Inhale and assume the balanced and relaxed starting position.

  • Consciously relax the muscles in that position and gear the body for the next repetition.

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