SKIP this exercise if painful or uncomfortable
Follow the onscreen breathing instructions Inhale Exhale
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Yellow (Holistic) Journey
The Harmony Sequence
Learn and follow the exercise instructions below.
Practice this exercise daily as part of your sequence.
Perform this exercise in pain-free and comfortable ranges only.
If not possible, skip this exercise and consult with a physical therapist or movement professional.
When relevant, ensure that this exercise is within the surgeon's post-operation protocol.
Learn the Exercise
4c takes the function of arm pulling to the extreme level. For this effort, the previous exercise 4b serves as a warmup.
4c adds elements of controlling the body weight with one arm, as well as adding upper limb rotation during both movement phases, in line with the rotational lines of the biceps brachi muscle.
This exercise also adds elements of shoulder circumduction and full range cervical rotation as well as a long and full inhalation.
4c is a special exercise because it has a unique 'moving stretch phase' in place of the paused stretch phase, typical of most the other sequence exercises.
This 'c' (advanced) exercise requires well conditioned arms strength as well as advanced shoulder control mechanics.
Therefore, perform the first-ever repetitions of this exercise very slowly and gradually, to gauge the strength required from each shoulder and arm.
This is important for the next time, so the body can accurately prepare itself mentally and physically for the predicted perturbation (The 'feed-forward mechanism').
In the case of a known shoulder instability, or a history of shoulder dislocations, consult with a rehab professional on how and when to approach this important functional exercise.
Move - stretch - return - relax -... alternate...
Breathing Pattern
Exhale - Starting position.
Inhale - Movement and stretch phases.
Exhale - Return and relax phases.
Starting Position

Same as 5b
Bring the bar close to the chest while maintaining the full-body line.
To make more difficult: Step forward while tilting back the upright body from the ankles and holding the balance with arms.
To make easier: Step backwards while maintaining the full-body line.
Look at the horizon.
Alternatively, it is possible to use a kitchen sink, windowsill or balcony rail with no compromise to the exercise.
Movement Phase

Continue the starting position inhalation, and initiate the full-body movement (tilting back) by extending both elbows as in 5a.
During the full-body movement, while pulling on the bar, place one hand in the middle of the bar and let go of the other one.
With the 'free' arm, start performing a large shoulder circumduction movement with the free arm, reaching upwards and then backwards.
Continuously look at the free hand as it moves throughout the exercise.
Keep both shoulders back and low throughout the exercise.
Notice the full range of cervical rotation.
Do not stop in this position. Continue the full body and now downwards limb motion.
To make more difficult: Release the 'free' hand from the bar earlier, and return it lo the bar later (during the return phase).
To make more difficult: Release the 'free' hand from the bar later, and return it lo the bar earlier (during the return phase).
Stretch Phase

The unique 'moving' stretch phase is reached and distinctively felt at the point in which the arms reach their widest span and form a straight line.
Do not stop the movement in this position. Continue the full body and limb movement to commence the return phase.
During the 'moving' stretch phase, switch from inhalation to exhalation.
Return Phase

Upon exhalation, continue the 'free' shoulder circumduction movement (now towards the floor).
At the same time, flex and externally rotate the front elbow to pull the body up towards the starting position.
As the body continues to move, continue to maintain the straight body-line.
Keep the head and neck neutral position.
Keep both shoulders wide and low.
Relax Phase

Assume the starting position and inhale.
Relax the body muscles as much as possible in that position.
Alternate sides and perform the next repetition with other arm.