Become an Accredited Instructor
This program is intended for sport instructors and rehabilitation professionals alike.
Rehabilitation practitioners are titled 'StarBarre Harmony Clinical Instructors' due to their their additional tools in the clinical setting.
Learn and practice the exercise sequences until 6 Stars level is achieved.
Learn and understand the method's theoretical sections in the information center.
Pass the quizzes and assignments in the Harmony Instructor Program.
Learn the exercises from the StarBarre Harmony 'Exercise Manual', and submit the required video assignments.
Learn the technical and theoretical modules from the StarBarre Harmony 'Complete Guide', and pass the required quizzes.
Instructor Opportunities
Teach the StarBarre Harmony sequences to your clients.
Conduct StarBarre Harmony instructor workshops and courses.
Add your bio to our list of accredited instructors and gain worldwide audiences for online classes.
Create related online content and post (and sell) in our online shop.
Receive affiliate income when your clients purchase StarBarre devices and online content from our shop.
Optimize your personal posture movement foundations.
Instructor Obligations
To maintain their accreditation, instructors are obliged to 2 commitments:
To personally practice the 7.5 minute 6 Star sequence on a daily basis.
Insist that their clients practice the video clip of their current star level for a few minutes a day.
No 'annual fees' or 'refresher courses' are required.
Program Fees
Access to online material and administration.
Review and feedback of video submissions and quizzes.
Optional online video sessions with instructor.
Optional studio session with instructor.
Optional workshops with instructor.