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Training for Rehabilitation

This section is a guide and source of information for StarBarre Harmony clinicians, movement instructors and clients. Warning: If you need physical therapy or a professional rehabilitation program, consult with an accredited rehabilitation practitioner before starting this program.


What people want

Just like all people who suffer from musculoskeletal disorders differ in their injuries and perception of injuries, also rehabilitation approaches and philosophies differ from each other, sometimes significantly.

In this complex environment where everything is relative, connected and open for discussion, one thing remains pretty constant. Many clients suffering from movement-related pain, whether chronic or acute, are willing to invest significant time, effort and money to solve their life-disrupting problem. The clinical approach is not necessarily important to them, but the outcome is critical. What many clients want are two modest and realistic outcomes, that will significantly change their life:

  1. To alter the trend (and mindset) of their condition from negative to positive.

  2. To provide them with practical tools to prevent recurrences and further improve their movement quality, indefinitely.


StarBarre Harmony's 'Training for Rehabilitation' segment is therefore a structured recovery system in which clients learn and practice consecutive sequences of pain-free holistic standing-based functional movement exercises. Because each successive sequence is more complex than the previous one, and the exercises simulate normal movements of daily life, the progression from sequence to sequence, together with the newly acquired ability to perform more and more normal functions in a harmonious and pain-free manner are the healing powers of the method.

A progression system of stars and colors

Although the goal to harmonize movement foundations of the whole body might be shared by all 'train for rehab' clients, in practice each person is unique, each disorder is different and therefore each StarBarre Harmony journey to recovery is personal in nature and individually paced.

Therefore, the StarBarre Harmony system has three anatomical area journey color options to chose from and three functional complexity star levels. This structured system enables relevant, balanced and focused progression towards the goals.

After discussing with client, the journey color is chosen at onset, however all clients commence the program from the 1 Star level of their journey. This is to ensure that the most fundamental movement foundations are learned and mastered before proceeding to the more advanced levels.

  • Even though all clients start a the 1 Star level, the progression rates differ according to the disorder severity and the pre-existing movement foundations.

  • The acquired ability to preform more advanced relevant functional exercises in a pain-free and harmonious manner also serves as an objective and clinically significant sign of improvement.


Three Journey Colors

The focus of the rehabilitation program is represented by journey colors. The journey color is chosen according to the anatomical area(s) of the main complains together with the clinical examination findings.

The yellow (holistic) journey

  • For people who have no special movement injuries or disorders.

  • For people who suffer from body-spanning disorders like multiple orthopedic injuries, scoliosis, osteoporosis, Parkinson's disease, general weakness.

The blue (lower body) journey

  • For people who suffer from disorders in the lower body: lumbar spine, pelvis, hips, knees, ankles, and feet.

The Green (upper body) Journey

  • For people who suffer from disorders in the upper body: thoracic spine, cervical spine, scapulae, shoulders, elbows, wrists, and hands.

  • ​If you are not sure which is the most appropriate journey color - choose the yellow (holistic) journey.


Three Star Levels

The functional complexity level of the all exercise sequences is represented by the number of stars.

1 Star - Basic level functional movements

  • The 1 star sequence is the standard starting level for all new StarBarre Harmony clients, regardless of their journey color or current movement ability.

  • This is to ensure that the most fundamental movement are mastered by all clients before proceeding to the more advanced levels.

  • Even top-tier athletes or dancers embarking on this program start at 1 Star level, because they might have neglected the most fundamental movement foundations over the years. Perhaps this is part of their current problem, especially is it is movement based and is not healing naturally by itself.

2 Stars - Intermediate level functional movements

  • Clients progress to the 2 Stars sequence of their journey when all the 1 Star sequence exercises can be performed in a harmonious and pain-free manner.

  • This depends upon the client's starting condition and the instructor's acquired clinical toolset and skills to effectively reduce movement pain and normalize segmental movements.

  • In every new star sequence some of the exercises remain the same, others are modified to a complexity higher level and a few new and challenging exercises are introduced.

3 Stars - Normal level functional movements

  • The 3 stars sequences of all journey colors contain functional movements that are expected from people who are generally healthy.

  • For this reason, mastering these sequence exercises in a harmonious and pain-free manner signifies the end of the rehabilitation process.

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Learn in the studio and practice at home

  • The exercises are learned in the studio (or online) with a StarBarre Harmony instructor.

  • In the StarBarre Harmony studio, up to six clients can work together comfortably with one instructor.

  • A short version of the same exercise sequence video is practiced at home daily for about 10 minutes.

  • This learning and practicing system is key for speedy progression, optimal recovery and a sustainable outcome.

  • During the clinical visit, the clinician monitors the progress from last visit and identifies problems in performing the sequence exercises. These might be addressed with additional clinical tools like manual therapy or electro therapy.

  • Once a higher star level is reached, the previous sequence becomes outdated and no longer required.

  • The 3 star sequence includes functional movements which are required for people who are generally healthy. For this reason, mastering the 3 star exercises indicates the end of the rehabilitation process.


Post rehabilitation

After discharge from rehabilitation, there are two good options to pursue:

  • To continue practicing the final sequence exercises  bmdaily at home for about 10 minutes. The purpose is to 'clear out' any remanent of the disorder and prevent it from reoccurring.

  • To continue progressing the star levels (4-10) as part of the 'Training for Lifestyle' program. As a holistic method that aims to balance full-body harmonious movements, the 'Training for Lifestyle' program offers only the yellow (holistic) journey option.


"Practicing this system might not prevent the next fall, but as long as you practice your exercises for a few minutes a day, the same fall again would require a greater push than before. And even then, you already have a way out".

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